
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15


Language Independent Scripting Framework

Design Document - Last update: 16th August 2002

This document should only be read after having read the Architecture Document . This document contains:

Class & Object Interaction Diagrams

Binding Object Class Diagram(source ).

Binding Object Interaction Diagram( source ).


Script Invocation Interaction Diagram( source ).

Script Invocation Class Diagram( source ).

Binding storage sequence diagrams

Actions available on Bindings( source ).
XBinding represents a binding, this is an event (string) and script (string) pair. XBindingStore is the interface for access the binding storage of a certain document or the application. It provides store, remove and query functionality of binding objects implementing the XBinding interface.

Query available on Bindings(source ).

OpenOffice - IDE Integration Interaction Diagrams

Editing a Script in an IDE

 Editing a script in an IDE(source )

  • all the GUI used for binding and parcel management is implemented in OpenOffice and it is embedded into the IDE using the OpenOffice Bean
  • a temporary area of the filesystem is used to transfer files, parcels selected by the user in the above OpenOffice GUI into the IDE (this should be transparent to the user)
When a file is selected to be edited or a new file is created roughly the dialog taking place is: - OpenOffice checks if the IDE is running, if not it starts it
  • OpenOffice moves the selected content (from the document) into the temporary area and notifies the IDE that the content is there
  • the IDE loads the content from the temporary area
  • user edits, saves (maybe builds)
  • at save the IDE notifies OpenOffice that the content is again available in the temporary area
  • OpenOffice (C&C module) moves the content back into the document
Transferred content will most likely have to be a complete build environment rather than one file only. Transfer can be optimized to transfer only changed files rather than all the files. When a file is displayed all the corresponding build environment has to be transferred to facilitate build, run and debug.

Debugging a OpenOffice Script in an IDE

Debugging a script in an IDE(source )

This diagram describes how OpenOffice and the IDE interact to facilitate debugging. When the user starts up the IDE the debugging connection (e.g. debugger from IDE attaching to the OpenOffice JVM) should be established. This is the time to check whether individual runtimes or OpenOffice have to be restarted in order to facilitate debugging from the IDE.

The dialog protocol is this:
  1. OpenOffice tries to start the IDE
  2. OpenOffice checks whether the runtime is running and is debug enabled (if not then the runtime or OpenOffice has to be restarted
  3. OpenOffice starts the IDE
  4. when IDE signals that it is ready OpenOffice sends the parameters needed for debugger attachment (host, port etc)
  5. the user sets breakpoints in the IDE
  6. at this point the user will invoke the script, this will be either from the IDE or from OpenOffice; if it is from the IDE then the IDE has to request an invocation from OpenOffice, if it is from OpenOffice then nothing has to be done (a user action will invoke the script)
  7. after invocation the runtime will pause waiting for the debugger (from the IDE) to attach, a message has to be sent to the IDE to start the debugger
  8. the IDE debugger will attach to the runtime in OpenOffice
This protocol is somewhat Java specific, it might need changes for other runtimes.

Debugging Exceptions from OpenOffice in an IDE

Debugging a script exception in an IDE(source )

Exception handling is a variation of the code editing and debug enabling diagrams. The diagram describes the dialog between OpenOffice and the IDE when the IDE has not been started yet so the attachment to the OpenOffice JVM from the IDE has to be done.

The dialog is the following:
  1. after invocation of a script when an exception is caught by the script runtime check if the IDE is already running, if not and OpenOffice is not running with debugger attachment enabled to the JVM then OpenOffice has to be restarted
  2. if OpenOffice has been restarted then it is the user's responsibility to get the script invoked again
  3. if the IDE was not running then it is started and the source is loaded as described in the Edit diagram
  4. after this the debugger from the IDE attaches to the OpenOffice JVM as described in the debug enabling diagram
  5. the user can evaluate variables at this point
  6. changing and saving the code at this point happens as already described in the Edit diagram

Proposed file structure for scripting

The file structure for the application and the document will be the same, the only difference is the structure for the document will stored in the document zip file. The file structure is as follows
+- java/
+- basic/
+- otherLanguage/
under the language specific folder  each script parcel has a separate folder. The file and folder structure in a script parcel is arbitrary, it depends on how the developer organizes files and folders of  the parcel.

A registry file exists at the script level in the directory structure that identifies the scripts that are installed (in either the document or application) or other metadata associated with the script.

Language-Specific & Logical Script names

Generic script name:

; name of a script functionality
sname =: <name>
; query type
qtype =: <name>
; query
query =: <qelm>(','<qelm>)*
; query element
qelm =: <word>'='<name>

Language specific script name:

; language runtime name
lname =: <name>
; language specific portion of name
lpart =: sequence of any printable characters

name =: <word>('.'<word>)*
word =: <alpha>(['-'|'_'](<alpha>|<digit>))*
alpha =: an alphabetical character as in rfc2396-1.6
digit =: a digit character as in rfc2396-1.6

Deployment DTD

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT script (logicalname, languagename, dependencies, description?, delivery)>
<!ELEMENT bundle (script+)>
<!ELEMENT logicalname EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT languagename EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT dependencies (dependfile+)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT delivery (deliverfile+)>
<!ELEMENT deliverfile EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT dependfile EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST script
deploymentdir CDATA #REQUIRED
<!ATTLIST logicalname
<!ATTLIST languagename
<!ATTLIST dependfile
isdeliverable (yes | no) #REQUIRED
<!ATTLIST deliverfile
type (binary | data | source | resource) #REQUIRED

Sample deployment XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE bundle SYSTEM "deployment.dtd">
<script language="Java" deploymentdir="calc.convert.EuroConvert">
<logicalname value="calc.convert.EuroConvert"/>
<languagename value=""
<dependfile name="data/currenices.txt" isdeliverable="yes"/>
<deliverfile name="convert.jar" type="binary"/>
<deliverfile name="currencies.txt" type="resource"/>

DTD for Script Registry

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT script (logicalname, languagename, description, properties,
<!ELEMENT logicalname EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT languagename EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT properties (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT dependencies (file)>
<!ATTLIST script
<!ATTLIST logicalname
<!ATTLIST languagename
<!ATTLIST file

Sample XML for Script Registry

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script SYSTEM "registry.dtd">
<script language="Java" rootdir="calc.convert.EuroConvert">
<logicalname value="calc.convert.EuroConvert"/>
<languagename value=""
<description>A Euro Converter</description>
<properties>Other properties</properties>
<file name="data/currencies.txt"/>

Deployment Interfaces

XParcel Interface access to a parcel file hierarchy by retrieving the hierarchy and adding/removing content (using w3c standard urls with wildcards in them to add/remove a number of files/folders). The parcel name can also be retrieved. The interface XParcel is implemented by the Parcel service.

XParcelStore provides access to parcels installed into a document or the application context. Complete parcel packages (archived as zip) can be installed. Parcels can be created (to fill with content through the XParcel interface) and parcels can be removed. A list of all the installed parcels can also be obtained.

Script storage interfaces

The toplevel storage service is ScriptingStorage. Every document and the application has one ScriptingStorage component that provides access to the scripts stored in that context. ScriptingStorage implements several interfaces:

  • XScriptAccessManager: provides access to script related data encapsulated in the ScriptInfo component
  • XScriptImplAccess: resolves logical script names to language specific script names
  • XNamingAccess: provide access to the logical naming of scripts (it is designed to provide various views, a hierarchical one will be implemented)
  • XBindingStore: provide access to the binding storage (described above)
  • XParcelStore: provide access to the parcel storage (described above)
ScriptInfo is a service providing access to information related to one script. It contains two interfaces:
  • XScriptInfo: provides access to script metadata
  • XScriptStore: provides support for implementation of data persistence by the script

IDL Files

The following are the proposed interfaces. In some cases, these are just placeholders and need further work.


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